Play around MT.Siguniang

Mount Siguniang | It takes 3 hours from Chengdu to the poetic distant place.

       The "western mountain" in the verse

"My window frames the snow-crowned western mountain scene",

refers to Mount Siguniang.
When it is clear and cloudless,

you can see the beautiful Yaomei Peak of the Mount Siguniang in downtown Chengdu.
Many people know about Mount Siguniang,

but not how to enjoy themselves there.

Read on, please.

Traffic in Mount Siguniang:

175km one-way from Chengdu to Mount Siguniang

Asphalt roads throughout the journey

Unimpeded China Panda Avenue, National Highway 350

Connected with Dujiangyan - Wenchuan Expressway to Chengdu

Driving past the Mount Balang,

You can enjoy the winding road between mountain ridges

and feel the extreme scenery of the high altitude area.
After crossing the Mount Balang,

You can get

to the perfect spot to see the Mount Siguniang - Maobiliang.
Standing there,

you'll be pleasantly surprised

how close the snow-capped mountains are

as if the Mount Siguniang is at your doorstep.